Apple e Google fazem acordo que encerra disputas por patentes
empresas disseram que o acordo não inclui uma licença recíproca para suas respectivas patentes.
A Apple e a Motorola Mobility, do Google, fizeram um acordo que encerra todas as disputas em aberto na Justiça sobre patentes de dispositivos para smartphones, concluindo uma das maiores brigas judiciais entre empresas de tecnologia.
Em uma declaração conjunta nesta sexta-feira (16), as empresas disseram que o acordo não inclui uma licença recíproca para suas respectivas patentes.
Saiba mais em: http://www.gazetadopovo
Philips quer banir Wii U dos EUA por infração de patentes
Como se a Nintendo já não tivesse problemas suficientes com os quais lidar envolvendo o Wii U, a Philips Electronics vem para complicar ainda mais a vida de Satoru Iwata e companhia. A empresa de eletrônicos holandesa (nota: autor burro!) entrou com um processo contra a Nintendo of America, alegando que o console de mesa utiliza patentes que ela detém sem autorização. Pior: ela quer que os produtos envolvidos sumam do país.
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Thomas Edison Was a “Patent Troll”
Newspapers have reported a massive patent infringement campaign against individuals—almost 1,000 farmers were sued for patent infringement in just one courthouse in a single year! Even worse, the plaintiff is not a competing farmer or manufacturer; instead, it merely bought the patent rights and is now asserting them against unsophisticated defendants for the sole purpose of obtaining royalty payments.
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Procedure and practice for Chinese enterprises to petition for foreign patents through PCT international patent applications
With the continuous development of China’s economy, more and more Chinese enterprises plan to develop international markets. Intellectual property, patents in particular, is an important tool for facilitating participation in international competition. Nevertheless, currently many Chinese enterprises are unfamiliar with foreign intellectual property systems.
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Cachaça João Andante perde disputa para Johnnie Walker mas prepara reação
Depois de quatro anos de uma disputa bem ao estilo Davi e Golias, a cachaça João Andante sairá de cena ao perder a primeira batalha para a holding Diageo, proprietária da marca de uísque Johnnie Walker. Os jovens mineiros criadores da pinga artesanal foram derrotados no processo administrativo do Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (Inpi), mas, em rápida ação mercadológica, em substituição à marca vetada, deve ser lançado o selo O Andante a partir da edição 2014 da Expocachaça, que se inicia quinta-feira, aproveitando o marketing gerado pelo processo que permitiu a eles multiplicar a produção por 20.
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Decisão judicial favorece Oracle em disputa sobre copyright com Google
A Oracle venceu um litígio contra o Google nesta sexta-feira, enquanto uma corte de apelações norte-americana decidiu que a Oracle tem direitos de copyright de partes da programação de linguagem Java, que foi usada pelo Google para desenhar o sistema operacional de smartphones Android.
Saiba mais em: Executives Sentenced to Prison for Infringement
Seven executives of the Chinese movie-downloading site were given prison sentences by a Beijing court in a criminal copyright case, ZDNet reported.
Police shut down’s website in April 2013 and arrested the company’s chief executive officer and 30 other employees, alleging they infringed the copyrights of films, television programs, game software and recorded music, according to ZDNet.
The website had more than 1.4 million registered members and received advertising revenue of as much as 3 million yuan ($450,000) a year, ZDNet Reported.
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Usuários começam a ser multados por usarem Popcorn Time
Dependendo de como a legislação de cada país trata programas de compartilhamento, usar o Popcorn Time para assistir a filmes e séries pode render problemas a partir de agora.
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Pirataria online: 100 prisões em todo o mundo
Quase 100 pessoas foram detidas em todo o mundo como parte de uma operação contra o software “Blackshades”, utilizado para tomar o controle de computadores remotamente para fins criminosos, informou nesta segunda-feira as agências Europol e Eurojust.
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CBF notifica 40 empresas por uso indevido de imagem da seleção
Fiscalização busca evitar que não patrocinadores peguem carona na Copa.
Campanhas com camisas que imitam a da seleção são alvo mais comum.
Em ano de Copa, a CBF (Confederação Brasileira de Futebol) tem reforçado o cerco não só à pirataria como também ao uso indevido das marcas e símbolos da seleção brasileira. O departamento jurídico da entidade já notificou neste ano mais de 40 empresas por suposto uso indevido de imagem.
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Cuidado com o que fazer na Copa
Marketing de emboscada pode resultar em detenção de três meses a um ano. Uma simples menção a “o evento do Brasil”, ou a mera reprodução de imagens de jogos de futebol em telas de televisores colocados à venda, ou, ainda, uma modelo com bola nos pés e uma camisa amarela no corpo, situações deste tipo podem ser consideradas marketing de emboscada – e resultar em detenção de três meses a um ano. Enfim, tome cuidado com tudo o que se refira ao futebol, mesmo que faça parte da rotina diária de qualquer cidadão.
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Fifa identifica 450 casos de uso indevido de marcas na Copa
Lista de marcas exclusivas da federação vai de ‘Brasil 2014’ a ‘Pagode’. Entidade registrou no Inpi mais de 400 marcas para o Mundial de futebol.
A Fifa identificou 450 casos de pirataria e violações de direitos de uso de marcas exclusivas no Brasil desde 2010. “Houve casos em que a empresa infratora nos compensou, mas não estamos em posição de divulgar quaisquer detalhes sobre as empresas envolvidas ou a quantidade exata de qualquer indenização”, disse a entidade.
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CBF notifica 40 empresas por uso indevido de imagem da seleção
Fiscalização busca evitar que não patrocinadores peguem carona na Copa.
Campanhas com camisas que imitam a da seleção são alvo mais comum.
Em ano de Copa, a CBF (Confederação Brasileira de Futebol) tem reforçado o cerco não só à pirataria como também ao uso indevido das marcas e símbolos da seleção brasileira. O departamento jurídico da entidade já notificou neste ano mais de 40 empresas por suposto uso indevido de imagem.
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Cuidado com o que fazer na Copa
Marketing de emboscada pode resultar em detenção de três meses a um ano. Uma simples menção a “o evento do Brasil”, ou a mera reprodução de imagens de jogos de futebol em telas de televisores colocados à venda, ou, ainda, uma modelo com bola nos pés e uma camisa amarela no corpo, situações deste tipo podem ser consideradas marketing de emboscada – e resultar em detenção de três meses a um ano. Enfim, tome cuidado com tudo o que se refira ao futebol, mesmo que faça parte da rotina diária de qualquer cidadão.
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Fifa identifica 450 casos de uso indevido de marcas na Copa
Lista de marcas exclusivas da federação vai de ‘Brasil 2014’ a ‘Pagode’. Entidade registrou no Inpi mais de 400 marcas para o Mundial de futebol.
A Fifa identificou 450 casos de pirataria e violações de direitos de uso de marcas exclusivas no Brasil desde 2010. “Houve casos em que a empresa infratora nos compensou, mas não estamos em posição de divulgar quaisquer detalhes sobre as empresas envolvidas ou a quantidade exata de qualquer indenização”, disse a entidade.
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Patentes, licenças compulsórias e Direitos Humanos
A presente pesquisa se propõe à analise expositiva das questões discrepantes em relação ao atual regime de proteção à propriedade industrial e os direitos humanos fundamentais de acesso a medicamentos e desenvolvimento tecnológico. Busca-se a demonstração da dificuldade de entendimento entre o detentor de uma patente e o que necessita da mesma para a concretização de um direito humano fundamental. Nesse paradigma o licenciamento compulsório resta como subterfúgio legal que equilibra o interesse social da coletividade com o interesse privado do detentor da patente.
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Court dismisses lawsuit against Nintendo after patents invalidated
A U.S. District Court in Texas granted a joint motion to dismiss Wall Wireless’ patent lawsuit against Nintendo after the patents in question were were dismissed by the U.S. Trademark and Patent Office.
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Trade marks with reputation harder for rivals to use in keyword advertising following German court ruling, says expert
Munich-based intellectual property law expert Igor Barabash of Pinsent Masons, the law firm behind, said that a regional court in Frankfurt has ruled that the owner of a trade mark can claim its rights had been infringed by a rival on the basis that it had built up a reputation in that mark which its rival had taken unfair advantage of in a keyword advert online. “The general understanding of the use of third party trademarks within Google AdWords has been that such use is admissible as long the ad does not contain the trade mark itself and is clearly marked as an ‘ad’ when it appears in Google’s search results,”
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Hatch calls for legislation to protect trade secrets
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said on Monday that online theft of intellectual property is among the U.S. economy’s greatest threats and requires legislative action.
Hatch’s remarks followed an announcement from the Department of Justice (DOJ) that Chinese government officials were charged for hacking databases of U.S. businesses to steal information.
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Dona de tudo! Fifa tem direito até sobre pagode e Natal 2014
Entidade registrou alguns termos para explorar ao longo do ano. A Fifa não quer saber apenas de organizar a Copa do Mundo no Brasil. A entidade que comanda o futebol mundial aproveitou a Lei da Copa para registrar quase 200 nomes e figuras. A informação é da colunista Flávia Oliveira, do jornal O Globo.
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‘Kuwait Takes Intellectual Property Rights Seriously’
Kuwait has taken huge steps in the field of intellectual property rights and is currently planning to transform a locallybased Gulf Cooperation Council training centre on the matter into an academy.
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Intellectual property laws, strategy operational by 2020
MINISTER of Commerce Industry and Trade Gideon Dlamini says he is hopeful that the country will achieve a national intellectual property policy and strategy that will drive the country to the right direction.
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O Ciclo das Inovações e inovando para o uso jubiloso
O maior indicador do desenvolvimento tecnológico de uma empresa ou nação é o número de inventos e patentes comercialmente validadas. Inventar besteiras é coisa de crianças bagunceiras… Portanto, nada de investir em inovações baseadas no besteirol de concepções tolas na tentativa de inovar sem dominar o Ciclo das Inovações
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Apple, Google and Samsung … is it peacetime in the patent wars?
Apple and Google agreed last week to abandon mutual litigation over smartphone software and hardware patents. Yesterday the Korea Times reported that it appears likely Apple and Samsung will also reach a similar agreement soon.
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Patent Reform? Experts Say No
he US patent system is imperfect but essentially sound, according to a handful of papers presented at a Stanford symposium. Patent reform is not needed, experts said, despite calls for it from the White House, Congress (where two draft bills seek it), industry, and academia.
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Holý patent expiration to hurt Czech science
Patents from key researcher to start expiring in 2017, nothing is set to replace them
Czech science may have serious financial problems from 2017, when the patents of the late pioneering Czech chemist Antonín Holý will start expiring, daily Mlada frontá Dnes (MfD) writes today.
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Fifa registra uso da marca “Pagode” e gera polêmica
Registrada no Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial, o INPI, a marca “Pagode” é de uso exclusivo da Fifa até o fim de 2014. A informação foi publicada nesta quarta-feira pelo jornal O Globo e deu início a uma reação acalorada no Twitter. Até mesmo o deputado estadual Marcelo Freixo, do PSOL, chegou a protestar.
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How To File A Trademark Application: The Guts Of A U.S. Trademark Application (Part 1 Of 2)
Our last article in Nutter’s How-to Series on Branding contemplated various territorial considerations that go into deciding where to file a trademark application. Even when a trademark applicant desires protection in multiple countries, or one or more states, most often our readers in this situation will want to first start by filing a United States trademark application. To that end, in our next two articles we address eight of the most commonly asked questions that arise when completing a U.S. trademark application filing.
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Foreign Theft of U.S. Intellectual Property
The Commissioners on the Theft of American Intellectual Property described individual stories of stolen intellectual property as “infuriating.” In one instance they said, “…a foreign company counterfeited a high-tech product it had been purchasing from a U.S. manufacturer. The customer then became the U.S. company’s largest competitor, devastating its sales and causing its share price to plummet 90 percent within six months.”
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Foreign Theft of U.S. Intellectual Property
The Commissioners on the Theft of American Intellectual Property described individual stories of stolen intellectual property as “infuriating.” In one instance they said, “…a foreign company counterfeited a high-tech product it had been purchasing from a U.S. manufacturer. The customer then became the U.S. company’s largest competitor, devastating its sales and causing its share price to plummet 90 percent within six months.”
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Tribunal proíbe Samsung de comercializar dois smartphones da linha Galaxy
O Tribunal da Holanda resolveu dar um fim a um processo envolvendo Samsung e Apple no país iniciado em 2011, e quem saiu perdendo foi a companhia coreana, que não poderá comercializar dois smartphones da linha Galaxy.
Os aparelhos impedidos de serem vendidos são o Galaxy S2 e o Galaxy Ace. A justiça holandesa acredita que a Samsung infringiu algumas patentes da Apple, como a tela de bloqueio, por exemplo, e por esse motivo os gadgets devem sair do mercado no país nos próximos dias.
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Senator scraps legislation targeting patent trolls
Legislation aimed at curbing so-called patent trolls may be dead until 2015 after the chairman of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee pulled the bill off the committee’s agenda, citing a lack of consensus.
Patent trolls, those businesses that use patent infringement lawsuits as their primary business model, remain a large problem, but there’s wide disagreement on ways to combat abusive patent lawsuits, U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy, a Vermont Democrat, said in a statement.
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States Move Ahead on Patents Amid Setbacks on Capitol Hill
Efforts to rework federal patent law to prevent questionable patent ownership claims were dealt another setback Wednesday when the Senate Judiciary Committee cancelled a legislative markup scheduled for Thursday.
State lawmakers, meanwhile, have been moving more quickly.
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Chinese patents Ever more inventive
CHINA’S leaders see patents as rungs on the ladder to becoming an innovation powerhouse. So in five-year plans and through subsidies and official exhortations, they have encouraged locals to file patents. And locals have responded with gusto. Two years ago China’s patent office became the world’s busiest. Sceptics have scoffed that most of those filed are “utility model” patents—short-term ones granted for relatively trivial ideas, as opposed to proper “invention” patents—and that few Chinese inventors have won patents in countries where standards are higher.
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Patents Issuing with No Assignee
This is a follow-up post from a recent discussion of assignee-applicants. About 40% of recently filed patent applications are filed without listing any particular assignee in the patent document.
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Fifa esclarece polêmica sobre pagode e “libera” utilização
A Fifa esclareceu a polêmica envolvendo o registro da marca “pagode” no Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI). Em nota divulgada nesta quinta-feira, a entidade alega que tomou a decisão para “evitar que outras fontes sejam criadas sob a mesma denominação ou similares, com o intuito de obter vantagem comercial às custas da visibilidade da fonte oficial da Copa do Mundo”.
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Pat Riley files for ‘3-peat’ trademark
Pat Riley has extra incentive for his Miami Heat to win a third straight title.
The Heat president owns four trademarks to the varying versions of the phrase “Three-Peat.”
And although it’s unknown whether Riley intends to license the phrase to companies making championship gear, the former coach seems to be thinking about it.
Records with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office reveal that, last Thursday, an attorney representing Riley’s company, Riles & Co., filed a trademark to use the phrase “3-Peat” on “jewelry, namely rings and sports memorabilia.”
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Zoggs v Sexwax in trademark dispute
Surfing wax company Sexwax is battling to keep a swimwear company from trademarking a similar name in New Zealand – but a court was told today the brandname was too sexy for there to be any confusion.
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Dear Google: Parody Is Not Trademark Infringement
Say it ain’t so, Google. Two weeks ago, the awesome activists at the Peng! Collective launched a funny and smart satirical site,, which purported to offer a host of new Google “products,” pairing the launch with a public announcement at the Re:publica 2014 conference in Berlin. The spoof site included products such as Google Trust (data “insurance”), Google Bee (personal drones), Google Hug (location-based crowdsourced hug matching) and Google Bye (an online profile for the afterlife). The goal: raise awareness about Google’s privacy policies, which Peng! believes are hypocritical. The spoof was great success, prompting a wave of commentary and coverage that recognized it for the satire that it was.
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NJOY, Inc. Settles Lawsuit with Victory Electronic Cigarettes
NJOY, Inc., the country’s leading independent manufacturer of electronic cigarettes, announced today that it has settled its lawsuit filed against Victory Electronic Cigarettes and Victory Electronic Cigarettes, Inc. in the United Stated District Court for the District of Arizona for patent and trade dress infringement. In the suit, NJOY alleged that Victory e-cigarettes infringe patented technology used in the NJOY disposable King cigarette (U.S. Patent No. 8,539,959) and that Victory e-cigarette cases infringe NJOY’s trade dress rights protecting its uniquely identifiable King case.
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Vimeo Launches Own ContentID System for Copyright Infringements
If you’ve ever tried watching a video on YouTube, I’m sure you’re more than familiar with the ‘Copyright Claim’ graphic (below). For a brief moment, you click on a link thinking you’ll get the video you want, and then BAM! You’re stuck with this annoying screen because Content ID matched up the video you wanted to watch with something else, legitimate or not. It helps save YouTube from a lot of copyright lawsuits, but it’s also one of the biggest annoyances for creators, as their videos can often be claimed unjustly.
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Judge grants OTR Wheel injunction against West Worldwide
A Yakima federal court judge has granted OTR Wheel Engineering Inc.’s request for a preliminary injunction in its trade secrets case against West Worldwide Services Inc.
Judge Lonny R. Suko enjoined West Worldwide May 14 against making any commercial use of OTR’s “Outrigger” tire tread design or using any of OTR’s proprietary trade secrets for any reason.
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Amendments to the Spanish Intellectual Property Act
On February 14 the partial reform of the Intellectual Property Act was approved, introducing a number of necessary changes as well as amending two directives in the Spanish legal system – Directive 2011/77, which increases the term of protection of the rights of performers from 50 to 70 years, and Directive 2012/28, which gives some security to cultural institutions and public entities to use orphan works.
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The Intellectual Property Act – what does it mean for designers?
As Design Week readers will know, the Government is making several changes to design law through the Intellectual Property Act, which received Royal Assent on 14 May. At the Intellectual Property Office, we want to make sure designers across the country know what the Act means for them and have put together a top ten to help you plan for the future.
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Porto e Coimbra lideram rede ibero-americana de universidades no número de centros de investigação
As duas instituições de ensino distinguem-se também entre as congéneres ibero-americanas pelo número de patentes internacionais.
A Universidade do Porto (UP), com 61 centros de investigação, e a Universidade de Coimbra (UC), com 51, encabeçam a lista da RedEmprendia de universidades ibero-americanas com mais centros de investigação. Esta é uma das principais conclusões do estudo Análise da Actividade de Investigação + Desenvolvimento + Inovação + Empreendedorismo nas Universidades Ibero-americanas, que foi apresentado nesta quinta-feira no Porto.
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Patents For Sale: How To Separate The Valuable From The Worthless
Many people in the technology licensing field paid close attention to the experiment conducted by Penn State University when they licensed 59 portfolios of patentsthrough an online auction during a two week period in early April 2014. The results weren’t that financially impressive, but something more important was at stake.
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The future of patents, all eyes up on high
Just a few short years after the America Invents Act brought some of the most sweeping changes to the patent landscape in 50 years, the Supreme Court is set to bring its own not-so-quiet revolution to patent law this term. Ironically, one would need to also go back 50 years to find another decade when the Supreme Court took up more patent cases (and at the current rate, we might need to reach back to the record of 145 cases set in the 1880’s). So what are the biggest cases up this term, and why does it matter to in-house counsel?
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Hacking the Patent System: A Guide to Alternative Patent Licensing for Innovators
EFF is proud to participate in the launch of a new guide to alternative patent licensing. The guide was prepared by the Juelsgaard Intellectual Property & Innovation Clinic at Stanford Law School in partnership with EFF, Engine, and the Open Invention Network (OIN). Written by Stanford students Marta Belcher and John Casey, the guide provides a high-level overview of defensive patent aggregators and defensive patent licenses. We hope it will be a useful starting place for companies trying to navigate the patent landscape.
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Solidia Concrete granted patents
The US Patents Office awarded two new patents to Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, that describe sustainable concrete products that cure and harden by consuming carbon dioxide (CO2) instead of water.1,2 The commercialisation of the products is occurring under an exclusive licensing agreement with Solidia Technologies, a New Jersey-based start-up developing sustainable building materials that can reduce the carbon footprint of concrete products up to 70%.
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P&G Wages a Patent War Over White Teeth
Target (TGT) used to sell its own brand of teeth whitener for $15 less than Crest 3D White Whitestrips, the market leader, which cost about $40 a box. Then came a phone call from Procter & Gamble (PG). A lawyer for the company informed Target that P&G was suing Clio USA, the manufacturer of the private-label product, and two distributors for infringing patents on the strip of material used to apply whitener to teeth, says P&G General Counsel David Weirich. Target pulled the product from store shelves on April 20, according to Clio Vice President Peter Cho.
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Over 96% of patents registered in Vietnam belong to foreigners
Foreigners are the owners of over 96 percent of patents registered in Vietnam over the past 18 years, according to the statistics recently released by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
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INPI não terá de indenizar empresa que alega prejuízo por cancelamento de marca
A Quarta Turma do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) julgou improcedente o pedido de indenização da Multimed Distribuidora de Medicamentos Ltda. contra o Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI), referente aos prejuízos sofridos em razão da ruptura de contrato de licenciamento da marca mista Multimed.
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The Role And Benefits Of Injunctions In Turkish Trademark Law
Injunctions play a significant role in Turkish intellectual property law, particularly for protecting trademark rights. Injunctions are effective tools during cancellation, invalidation and infringement actions to preserve the final result which the plaintiff seeks to achieve.
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Trademarks, not politicians, may be key to Redskins name battle
In the ongoing saga over the Washington Redskins football team nickname, half of the U.S. Senate wants the team’s nickname changed. But it is really a lesser-known government agency that could force owner Daniel Snyder to make a move.
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China – China’s Trademark Office braces itself for difficulties as application levels surge
The latest figures released by China’s Trademark Office reveal that applications levels jumped by 14.15% in 2013, with more than 1.8 million trademark applications received. Reflecting on the figures, Zhang Mao, minister at the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), highlighted the unprecedented difficulties facing the office.
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Blizzard processa criadores de hack pack do StarCraft II
A Blizzard está processando os criadores do hack package ValiantChaosMapHack, que permite que os jogadores de StarCraft II consigam ver informações que eles não teriam acesso normalmente, como dados invisíveis ou escondidos por fog-of-war. Segundo a empresa, o programa criado pelos réus está violando os direitos autorais, porque reproduziram e adaptaram o game sem sua permissão.
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Aluno é detido em faculdade do DF suspeito de vender videoaulas na web
Um aluno de medicina na Faciplac, instituição de ensino superior do Distrito Federal, foi detido na manhã desta terça-feira (20) e levado para a delegacia suspeito de comercializar na internet videoaulas e apostilas do curso de medicina.
O aluno estava em sala de aula, na unidade do Gama. Outros 30 estudantes estava com ele no momento em que os agentes chegaram na instituição.
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Author’s Heir Delivers Own Knockdown Punch in “Raging Bull” Copyright Suit
In a recent decision that could lead to a surge in lawsuits on behalf of copyright owners, especially those with limited resources to immediately pursue claims, a 6–3 Supreme Court held that laches cannot be invoked as a bar to a copyright owner’s pursuit of a claim for damages brought within §507(b)’s three-year window.1 Even though the copyright owner in this case waited eighteen (18) years to file her lawsuit, the Court determined that the copyright statute takes into account this type of delay by restricting a successful plaintiff to retrospective relief only three years back from the time of suit. The Court’s decision resolved a split among the circuit courts.
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Man behind Newzbin operations found liable for copyright infringement on the sites
Mr Justice Barling said David Harris was jointly responsible along with his Newzbin Limited business for copyright-infringing activities on the Newzbin and Newzbin2 websites over a period that in total covers nearly three years.
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Cade investiga suposto cartel de empresas de resinas
O Cade (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica) divulgou nesta quinta-feira que a Superintendência Geral da autarquia realizou busca e apreensão em dez empresas na véspera, em operação que investiga suposto cartel nos mercados de resinas para revestimentos e compósitos.
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California Counties Sue Drug Companies Over Marketing
Two California counties have filed a lawsuit accusing five drug companies of waging a campaign of deception to boost the sales of painkillers behind the nation’s prescription drug addiction problem.
Orange and Santa Clara counties filed the suit Wednesday in Orange County Superior Court, alleging false advertising, unfair competition and creating a public nuisance.
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