Patent Reform Proposals Threaten Innovators (Jerry McCormick Commentary)
When Congress tries to “fix” something that affects my business, I immediately begin to worry about unintended consequences. That is certainly the case with patent reform.
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Plágio, uma realidade cada vez mais presente no mundo das marcas
Na indústria de marcas, é muito comum empresas travarem brigas judiciais com acusações de ‘furtos’ em ‘inspirações’ muito próximas dos originais
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How Disney learned to stop worrying and love copyright infringement
The Monday before the Oscars, Scott Kramer, a digital content producer based in Los Angeles, called his close friend Joshua Elson, a high school choir teacher, with an idea. For months, both their families had been obsessed with the song “Let It Go” from Disney’s animated phenomenon “Frozen.” Kramer, mindful of the growing online clamor focused on everything “Frozen,” wanted to make a video parodying “Let It Go.” It would be self-consciously “meta” — a plea from a father who was being driven crazy by the song’s ubiquity, begging the world to let “Let It Go” go.
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Patente não caduca por falta de pagamento se houver quitação de anuidades posteriores
A falta de pagamento de anuidade não faz a patente caducar, desde que seu titular tenha pago uma ou mais taxas anuais posteriores à vencida, demonstrando assim o interesse em sua manutenção. Com esse entendimento, a Quarta Turma do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) negou provimento a recurso do Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI).
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Por fin una Ley de Patentes en el país del ‘que inventen ellos’
El Consejo de Ministros acaba de aprobar en primera lectura el anteproyecto de Ley de Patentes llamado a sustituir la Ley 11/1986, de 20 de marzo, de Patentes, también conocida entre los sectores innovadores de la industria como “Ley anti-Patentes”. En este sentido, cabe destacar que a pesar de que uno de los objetivos de la Ley de 1986 era adaptar la legislación española a los estándares de protección propios de la Comunidad Europea, en muchos aspectos la Ley de 1986 siguió transpirando una clara hostilidad hacia los inventores.
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Apple Seeks Retrial in Latest Patent Case against Samsung to Raise Compensation
iPhone maker Apple looks to increase the amount of damages from rival Samsung, requesting a retrial in the latest patent case between the companies.
Earlier, a Californian jury awarded Apple $119m (£71m) in damages from Samsung, lower than its demand of $2.2bn. In the lawsuit, Apple accused Samsung of infringing on two of its patents.
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Patents and competition law
The Commission adopted on 29 April 2014 two decisions regarding the application of EU competition law on standard essential patents regarding on the one hand Samsung Electronics and on the other hand Motorola Mobility.
The Commission has manifested a clear interest in the application of competition law on intellectual property rights. Companies owning patents are no longer free to manage their business at their discretion. For example, in the Margill case, the company concerned was condemned for an abuse of a dominant position following a refusal to license copyright and lists of television programmes.
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Public Interest Registry Oferece Novos Nomes de Domínio Internacionalizados ao Público em Geral
Public Interest Registry – a operadora sem fins lucrativos do domínio .org – anunciou hoje a disponibilidade geral de três novos Nomes de Domínio Internacionalizados (IDN, sigla em inglês) que são traduzidos para “organização” ou “instituição” em scripts de caracteres não latinos – um em devanagari, um em cirílico e um em chinês simplificado. Se antes estavam disponíveis somente a detentores qualificados de marcas registradas de domínio, agora todas as companhias, organizações e pessoas físicas interessadas podem registrar-se para os novos domínios.
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Evolving law of trade dress in a digital world
In an increasingly crowded market, businesses are investing heavily into unique customer experiences to boost brand identity and loyalty. As expected, there is a growing need to protect the design and other distinguishing elements incorporated into the products, packaging as well as off and online customer experiences. Collectively, these features are known as the trade-dress or the look and feel of the brand. The recent crack-down on 22 counterfeit Apple stores illustrates the importance of trade-dress protection.
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Sistema detecta infração de direitos autorais
Um dos principais sites para assistir vídeos na internet, o Vimeo, passou muitos anos sem um sistema que fosse capaz de detectar se o conteúdo exibido em seu site possuía copyright. Com isso, usuários subiam no site filmes inteiros, programas de TV e até partidas esportivas. Entretanto, o serviço anunciou que a festa vai acabar.
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Contra o copyright – uma introdução
Um dos tópicos que mais tenho conversado desde que tenho estado neste mundo da cultura digital são os direitos autorais – mais propriamente, o direito da cópia, o copyright. Quem acompanha o BaixaCultura desde setembro de 2008, quando ele nasceu, pode ver pelas tags que é um dos temas que mais abordamos nesses quase seis anos de vida. Por quê? O motivo é simples: ele é, quase sempre, a última fronteira de discussão no mundo digital. Fala-se em pirataria na rede? Tá lá o copyright. Quer escutar um disco na íntegra e, de repente, ele não está mais no ar no YouTube? Saiu por conta do copyright. Sites jornalísticos que não permitem (ou dificultam) a cópia de seus conteúdos? Copyright!
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Day copyright owners stood up for intellectual property and won
ADETOLA BADEMOSI in this report writes on how the Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), Broadcasting Organisations of Nigeria (BON), and the Independent Broadcasters Association of Nigeria (IBAN)’s battle concerning payment of royalties for musical works and sound recordings carried on broadcast stations across the country was eventually resolved.
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Angola: Parliament Passes Law On Copyrights
Luanda — The approval of eight diplomas of political, economic and cultural nature, among other Bill on Copyrights and Related Matters, submitted by the government, marked on Thursday in Luanda the 7th Ordinary Plenary Session of the 2nd Legislative Session, of the 3rd Parliamentary Term of the National Assembly.
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In My Opinion: Copyrights help people be informed
Every day, city hall reporters at local newspapers distill hours of city council meetings into cogent stories that inform readers about how their elected officials are spending their tax dollars.
Sports reporters document the successes of the high school team.
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Prince and the Copyright Revolution (Part 3)
Copyright law must be brought up to speed with rapidly advancing technology if it is to remain effective. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) has remained unchanged since it became law in 1998, and its protective mechanisms are now beginning to lag. The technological advancements made over the last decade and a half have been staggering; consider how poorly a computer would perform that had not been updated in over 15 years! If the DMCA is not upgraded, copyrights will become increasingly vulnerable to infringement.
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Cade e PF investigam suposto cartel no setor químico
O Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) e a Polícia Federal deflagraram, na quinta-feira, 22, a “Operação Metanoia” em dez empresas do setor químico de 12 cidades dos Estados do Espírito Santo, de São Paulo e do Panará.
As companhias são suspeitas de formação de cartel no mercado de resinas para revestimentos usados na fabricação de tintas arquitetônicas, além de caixas d’água, piscinas e laminados para indústria automobilística e náutica.
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EU Council Agrees Approach For New Legal Framework On Trade Secrets
The European Council today agreed on an approach for establishing a new legal framework for protecting trade secrets.
According to a release, the new framework “aims at making it easier for national courts to deal with the misappropriation of confidential business information, remove the trade secret infringing products from the market and make it easier for victims to receive compensation for illegal actions.”
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Fracking gag rule part I: Trade secret?
I was in the middle of writing a column about the unique benefits and properties of fertilizer made from seaweed when I got distracted by the North Carolina General Assembly. A Republican-led senate committee has proposed to make it a felony for a citizen to disclose the names of the chemicals used by drilling companies in the hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) process. The purported rationale is that drilling companies claim that the mixtures of chemicals they use are confidential trade secrets. As I will outline below, this claim borders on the absurd.
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Editorial: Trade Secrets
For years, the Chinese government has been stealing secrets from American companies. Last Monday, the United States finally put its foot down. The Justice Department announced that five Chinese military officials have been indicted on charges of espionage against American steel, solar and nuclear power companies — the first time the U.S. has brought such accusations against another country.
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Trade Secrets: party comes to a premature end
The Council of the Europe Union agreed on Monday a general approach for establishing a new framework for trade secrets protection, according to a Council statement.
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HNBA/Microsoft Intellectual Property Law Institute Offers Opportunities for Latino Law School Students
The Intellectual Property Law Institute is an example of how organizations co-sponsor an event to encourage more Latinos to enter the field of IP law
More needs to be done to increase the number of Latino lawyers in the United States. There is a relatively low percentage of attorneys in the United States who are of Latino origin. They now make up less than 4 percent of all U.S. lawyers.
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Vice President Joe Biden Defends Intellectual Property
Vice President Joe Biden is a passionate guy — even when it comes to the importance of protecting intellectual property.
At today’s Creativity Conference, organized by the Motion Picture Association of America in partnership with Microsoft and ABC, he wondered out loud about the difference between stealing physical objects as opposed to intellectual ones.
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Corma, el químico español de las 100 patentes
Corma, nacido en Castellón en 1951, es autor de más de 100 patentes -diez de ellas en explotación comercial-, ha publicado más de 900 artículos en revistas científicas y está entre los 25 químicos del mundo -el primero español- más citado.
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Not all NPEs are patent trolls
By definition, most patent owners are Non-Practicing Entities (NPEs), including operating companies and universities because they assert patents not practiced in their products, if any. Our company, Finjan Holdings, Inc., falls within this category, as do many notable inventors including Thomas Edison and Susan Taylor Converse. But, most NPEs are not “patent trolls” since they, including Finjan, exercise ethical business practices when it comes to asserting their patent rights.
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Patents granted for CO2-based allergen removal technique
University of South Carolina researchers have received two patents for a new method to eliminate allergens and other asthma causes from carpets, mattresses and other furniture.
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The business case for inter partes review of patents by generic pharma
Several parts of the America Invents Act (the “AIA”) became law on Sept. 16, 2012, sparking some of the most meaningful changes to patent law seen in decades. One hot provision in the new law is the ability for one to challenge a patent’s validity in a new inter partes review (“IPR”) process. This legal tool could prove to be very valuable in solving some of the biggest business challenges facing generic pharma. This post addresses the business case for generic pharma using the IPR process.
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Operação fiscaliza uso indevido de marcas durante a Copa
Com os dias contados para o início do Mundial, a Prefeitura de Cuiabá iniciou hoje uma operação que irá fiscalizar marcas e patentes para a Copa do Mundo FIFA 2014. Como parte disso, a Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, Polícia Militar e Civil e Secretaria de Apoio à Segurança Pública estão nas ruas para alertar comerciantes no entorno da Arena Pantanal, a respeito da propaganda irregular durante a Copa.
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Spotify chega ao Brasil para combater pirataria na música
Após meses de especulação, o Spotify finalmente chegou plenamente ao Brasil, onde só funcionava para alguns testadores em esquema de convite. A partir de hoje, o serviço sueco de streaming de músicas está disponível a qualquer internauta brasileiro.
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Russia to toughen anti-piracy laws strictly
The State Duma discussed proposals about amendments to the second “anti-piracy” bill initiated fro United Russia MP Sergei Zheleznyak. The first reading of the document was held in March.
“The work group headed by First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov has developed supplements to the already adopted “anti-piracy” laws to protect film production. This is not about a new law – we suggest using the bill by Sergei Zheleznyak adopted in the first reading,” Minister for Culture, Vladimir Medinsky said.
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Judge orders new trial in online music piracy case
A US judge has ordered a new trial for a woman convicted of pirating music on the Internet and denounced the awarding of 222,000 US dollars in damages to record companies as “wholly disproportionate” and “oppressive.”
Jammie Thomas, a single mother from Minnesota, was convicted in October 2007 in the first such online piracy case in the United States for sharing 24 songs through the Kazaa peer-to-peer file-sharing network.
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Levin Introduces Senate Bill Aimed at Combating Cyber Espionage
U.S. Senator Carl Levin introduced legislation that would require the Director of National Intelligence to keep a watch list of countries that engage in cyberspace-related industrial espionage against U.S. companies and individuals.
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Concorrência espanhola questiona “taxa Google”
A autoridade que regula o mercado doméstico vizinho emitiu um parecer, não vinculativo, que vai contra a vontade das editoras e a proposta de lei de propriedade intelectual que o Governo de Mariano Rajoy tem no Parlamento.
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Monetising intellectual property
WITH 1,093 US patents in his name, Thomas Alva Edison is known as one of the most prolific inventors of his time.
Famous for saying, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”, Edison revolutionised various industries with his inventions, from the electric light to telecommunications.
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Hungarian Richter agrees on Esmya intellectual property rights with HRA Pharma
Hungarian drug producer Gedeon Richter on Thursday said it concluded a sale and purchase agreement with France’s Laboratoire HRA Pharma in connection with intellectual property rights of ulipristal acetate, the active ingredient in Esmya, a Richter drug for the treatment of uterine fibroids, in Latin America.
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Your Patent Has Been Infringed: Enforcement Of Oil And Gas Patents In Canada
Patent disputes are on the rise. 101 patent infringement actions were filed in in the Federal Court in 2013 as compared with 48 patent infringement cases in 2012. As we explained previously, part of that increase is due to an increase in oil and gas patent litigation. This raises the question; what do you do when you discover that your patent has been infringed?
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Produtora ganha queda de braço com banda gaúcha por direito a marca no INPI
A marca ‘‘GDO Produções’’ é totalmente diferente do nome do grupo musical gaúcho ‘‘Garotos de Ouro’’. Por isso, seu registro não viola o artigo 124 da Lei 9.279/1996, já que atende à regra da anterioridade e aos princípios da originalidade e da especialidade. A conclusão é da 2ª Seção do Tribunal Regional Federal da 4ª Região, ao reformar acórdão da 3ª Turma que derrubou o registro da produtora junto ao Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI).
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How will pending trademark ruling impact Redskins name?
The team name of the Washington NFL club is a badge of honor meant to exalt American Indians, according to the team. The name is a damnable racial slur that disparages American Indians, according to 50 U.S. Senators who wrote scathing letters to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell last week.
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“Lafite” trademark dispute spreads to China
Famous french wine brand “Lafite” is swamped by trademark disputes. While suffering from copycat, the owner of “Lafite”, Lafite Rothschild Vinery (hereinafter referred to as Chateau Lafite Rothschild) has been in the court in France for a few times due to the trademark dispute with a private company French Chateau Lafitte (hereinafter referred to as Chateau Lafitte). After French Supreme Court ruled allowing Chateau Lafitte retain its trademark “Lafitte” in 2008, it applied to register of “Lafitte” and other trademarks in China in 2011 and afterwards it encountered objections from Chateau Lafite Rothschild. Thereby the trademark dispute between the two spread to China.
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Na Copa, torcedor que for ao estádio deve ficar atento a regras de propaganda da Fifa
s vésperas da Copa do Mundo, o consumidor precisa ficar atento ao chamado marketing de emboscada, que acontece quando empresas que não são patrocinadoras oficiais distribuem a torcedores camisetas, bonés ou outros acessórios com alusão à marca, para que usem no estádio, tirando proveito publicitário no Mundial. Em alguns casos, esses grupos são contratados e sentam juntos nas arquibancadas, numa grande ação de marketing.
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Universal Music Group Says the Digital Royalty Lawsuits Should Be Dismissed…
Legal battles regarding digital royalties payouts for older artists continue to rage on.
Legacy artists have contracts that pre-date digital download stores. The lawsuits revolve around the classification of a digital download, is a it a “sale” or a “license”? The downloads are currently classified as sales. Classifying them as a license instead could dramatically increase payouts for some artists.
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Google urged to act on film and music piracy by PM’s adviser
Google is under pressure from David Cameron’s adviser on intellectual property to take stronger action against online piracy to help Britain’s film and music industries.
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Anti-piracy system sent 1.3 million notices in first year
A system to curb online piracy sent 1.3 million notices to warn copyright infringers during its first ten months and is set to double its efforts over the next year.
The Copyright Alert System (CAS) — an initiative by the entertainment industry and Internet providers — sent out 1.3 million notices, many of which were to educate recipients that they were illegally sharing copyright content, according to new research from the Center for Copyright Information (CCI), which runs CAS.
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Como blindar contrato de ERP e evitar dor de cabeça
É essencial ter um CONTRATO BEM FEITO, para mitigar riscos e preservar a relação entre as partes. Principalmente quando estamos falando de um contrato de prestação de serviços de implantação de sistema.
Uma das implantações mais críticas é de ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), um conjunto de softwares interligados que proporcionam o gerenciamento completo da empresa, interligando vários departamentos, como finanças, recursos humanos, logística, compras, vendas e produção, entre outros.
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A case for strong intellectual property rights
The young lawyer sees strong intellectual property regimes as one of the main mechanisms to achieve this goal.
“My calling is to demystify the subject of intellectual property and to help people unlock it’s potential for socio-economic transformation,” says Moses. He is among the 30 Zimbabwean youth to be invited to participate in the 2014 Washington Fellowship, part of President Obama’s first Young African Leaders Initiative.
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What’s the story with the Makerbot patent?
The 3D printing world is all a-seethe with the story that Makerbot supposedly filed a patent on a design from its Thingiverse community. As Cory Doctorow discovered, the reality is a little more complicated: if Makerbot has committed a sin, it is not the sin of which it stands accused.
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U.S. Patent Troll Bill Unsuccessful – What Is The Situation In Canada?
On Wednesday, May 21, 2014, a U.S. bill aimed at combatting patent trolling practices was pulled from consideration by the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. As a result, it is unlikely that any legislation addressing patent trolling practices will be passed in the United States this year.
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Marcas pela internet
Houve aumento dos pedidos de marcas feitos pela internet?
Os pedidos de marcas feitos pelo site do Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial – INPI, por meio do e-Marcas, via internet, já atingiram o patamar de 96% a mais que o normal, tendo em vista que, agora, há a possibilidade de peticionar com a especificação especifica e por escrito, de acordo com registros da autarquia. De forma muito rápida, o sistema eletrônico vem substituindo o papel.
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As wars end, US military safeguards trademarks
Washington: US Marine G-string underwear. The Starfleet Marine Corps Academy. And the motto from a human resources company: “The Few. The Proud. The Well-Paid.”
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‘Genericide’: Brands destroyed by their own success
Turning a product into a household name is the stuff of corporate dreams. Isn’t it?
Not necessarily.
Think Hoover, Jacuzzi, Frisbee.
When was the last time you “vacuum-cleanered” the front room, took a dip in a “whirlpool bath”, or played in the park with your “flying disc”?
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Registering ‘pharmacist’ name as trademark sparks reaction from sector representatives
Turkish pharmaceuticals company Eczacıbaşı has registered the word “eczacı” – pharmacist in Turkish – as a trademark, triggering reactions from other sector representatives.
Well-established Turkish business group Eczacıbaşı registered 45 different versions of the word as a trademark with an application to the Turkish Patent Institute (TPE).
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Comissão pode votar projeto que determina auditorias nas contas do Ecad
A Comissão de Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação, Comunicação e Informática (CCT) pode votar na próxima terça-feira (3) projeto que prevê novos mecanismos de fiscalização da atuação do Escritório Central de Arrecadação e Distribuição (Ecad). A proposta ( PLS 401/2011), do senador Vital do Rêgo (PMDB-PB), estabelece que sindicatos ou associações coletivas de direitos autorais poderão, uma vez por ano, fiscalizar a exatidão das contas apresentadas pelo escritório a seus representados.
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MPF/AM recomenda substituição de softwares irregulares utilizados pelo Exército
O Ministério Público Federal no Amazonas (MPF/AM) recomendou à 4ª Divisão de Levantamento no Exército que substitua os softwares sem licenças e irregulares atualmente existentes nos computadores do órgão e se abstenha de utilizar qualquer software sem licença ou autorização.
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Fifa proíbe jogadores de faturar nas redes sociais na Copa
Atletas com mais de 3 milhões de seguidores chegam a ganhar R$ 50.000 por um post patrocinado
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Ex-integrantes da banda Legião Urbana processam filho de Renato Russo
A batalha judicial entre Giuliano Manfredini, filho de Renato Russo, e os ex-integrantes da banda Legião Urbana, Dado Villa-Lobos e Marcelo Bonfá, ganhou dimensão pública. Nesta quinta (29), os dois músicos enviaram para a imprensa um comunicado em que manifestam sua indignação sobre o lançamento – no dia 4 de junho – de uma nova versão do site oficial da banda ícone do rock brasileiro nos anos 1980.
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Direito de apagar dados e a decisão do tribunal europeu no caso Google (Parte 2)
O Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia, no dia 13 de maio de 2014, proferiu a histórica decisão de reconhecer a existência de um direito a apagar dados pessoais na internet, o que se denomina em inglês de right to erasure. Diferentemente do que se tem afirmado em alguns textos jornalísticos e jurídicos, mais do que admitir a existência de um direito a ser esquecido
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Decisão do Cade sobre cimento vai gerar disputa longa na Justiça
As maiores produtoras de cimento do Brasil devem iniciar uma guerra judicial contra decisão da quarta-feira do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade), que as obrigou a pagar multa recorde bilionária e a vender parcela considerável de ativos, em um caso que consumiu oito anos de investigações.
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Operação em favor da Fifa tem 15 prisões e toneladas de material apreendido
Prisões, apreensões de produtos e de ingressos da Copa do Mundo. Receita Federal mobilizada em portos e aeroportos. Batalhões de policiais, guardas, fiscais e agentes públicos em alerta. Uma força-tarefa do poder público, que está nas ruas desde a semana passada, até agora já resultou na prisão ou detenção de pelo menos 15 pessoas, apreensão de toneladas de produtos e de pelo menos seis ingressos do Mundial de futebol nas regiões metropolitanas das 12 cidades-sede que receberão o torneio dentro de 14 dias.
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Emarf e CCJF apresentam fórum sobre Patentes e Inovação
A Escola da Magistratura Regional Federal da 2ª Região (Emarf) e o Centro Cultural Justiça Federal (CCJF), em parceria com o Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público (IDP), com o Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI) e com a Associação Brasileira da Propriedade Intelectual (ABPI) apresentarão, no dia 6 de junho, sexta-feira, no CCJF (av. Rio Branco nº 241, Cinelândia), das 9h às 13h, fórum sobre “Patentes e Inovação”. O evento é parte integrante das Atividades sobre Questões Polêmicas nos Ilícitos Financeiros, é uma iniciativa da Comissão de Direito da Propriedade Intelectual da Emarf e integra a programação de 2014 do Curso de Aperfeiçoamento e Especialização pra Magistrados Federais da 2ª Região (CAE).
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