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Social Responsibility
Caring, educating,
Di Blasi, Parente e Associados, in addition to providing pro bono services to the clients, also involves its employees in social responsibility projects, encouraging donations to several institutions and voluntary work.

Portuguese acronyms for Support Group for Adolescents and Children with Cancer
Created in 1991, GRAACC is a non-profit institution with the objective of ensuring that children with cancer are entitled to all chances of a cure with quality of life

Children’s Institute
Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (OSCIP – acronyms in Portuguese), which sponsors projects in institutions in Rio and São Paulo, in addition to educational and community development projects.

Understanding that the first step towards effective change is knowledge, the focus of Paratodos is defined as: sensitizing the largest number of people about the universe of disability and taking the subject to everyone’s daily life.

The Ledores Legales project, created in 2019, is part of the actions of Di Blasi, Parente & Associados that aim to bring knowledge about laws and matters related to intellectual property to the visually impaired.