
Week´s news headlines – Dec. 16th 2016

BPTO’s new software registration system under public consultation

The BPTO opened a public consultation regarding their new online system of software registration. Interested parties must give their opinions by Feb. 03 2017.

For further information, see (in portuguese).




Dump innovation patents and apply safe harbour to all online services: Productivity Commission

In its report on Australia’s intellectual property arrangements, the Productivity Commission has said innovation patents should be dumped.

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When a Patent-Happy Industry Meets Open-Source Technology

When the financial services industry started paying attention to blockchain technology, many companies, seemingly as a reflex, sought patent protection for their ideas.

It was ironic, since the original bitcoin blockchain was a breakthrough of open-source development, in which software code is made freely available for anyone to use or modify. As the industry has gained a clearer understanding of how distributed-ledger technology could change its business, it’s begun to see the merits of such openness in supporting collaborative innovation, and the limitations of the traditional, you-can’t-touch-this approach.

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