“For 35 years I have been living this vibe of how the love of the profession, organic networking, sports, and music can be “tuned” and connected to a greater good.”
Everything in life to be improved must be measured. This high-performance sports mantra works in various aspects of life, so it is important, from time to time, to do a career performance analysis, relationships, and legacy. This year of 2022 was of many achievements and recognition from institutions of high national and international credibility, the result of hard work over the last 35 years. A reward reflected in professional confidence which came in the form of invitations to assume various leadership positions in global prestigious associations and organizations.
These are challenges of the present and the brief future.
However, looking at the creation and emergence of our business after 35 years becomes concurrently exciting, nostalgic, and innovative. Who would imagine in early 1987, when Brazil lived in a context of hyperinflation, moratorium, closed boundaries for importation, technological inequality, the political crisis in the Sarney’s government, financial instability, as well as the lack of perspective on development and social welfare, that a law firm focused on intellectual property could thrive?
My partner Gabriel and I imagined that it would work out and, despite a conjuncture that punished the economy and innovation, we started a dream, and today we celebrate this moment of fulfillment. There are 35 years of partnership, coral weddings that symbolize the maturity and fortification of the relationship, as with marine corals, which take years until they are totally constituted.
Marine corals remind me of my dear surfing. Choir of the inspirational masters’ belt, which brings me to my beloved jiu-jitsu. Memories, metaphors, and poetry of apparently so disparate and coincidentally so close subjects. This is the lasting relationship strategy that I cultivate throughout life and whose success of our firm we now celebrate: balance, lightness, our Bossa that I purposefully included in the intrinsic values of our company since the guitar and the harmonica, are also part of my life and the love of music comes from within my soul.
This combination brought me unforgettable experiences, such as playing a jam session with different bands, in different intellectual property congresses in different countries. This year there were two performances with The Opposition Band, made up of IP professionals who also love the music. The shows were in Washington DC and Miami. This flow reminds me how the love of our profession, organic networking, sports, and music can be “tuned” and connected to the greater good.
Experience teaches us that nothing is by chance and that our experiences train us for moments of decisions that define a legacy. Surf taught me to look at trends in the distance and adapt to the waves (collective) movements that are stronger than individuals. Jiu-Jitsu taught me discipline, calmness, right breathing, and flexibility to save me from squeezing and uncomfortable situations. Bossa, from the love I have for music, especially the guitar, brought me lightness, harmony, and creativity to stand out in the world. Literally. This seemingly disconnected combination that characterizes my lifestyle, was what led me to France, to other foreign countries, to my career, to various international associations, to writing articles/books, and forged my differentiated look that led us to success in these 35 years of history.
In 1987, when we founded Di Blasi, Parente & Associados Law, there was no highlight in social issues as today, but we always had this concern to help people in some way, especially children, not only in the personal aspect but in the professional as well.
From this will to evolve, build and innovate, the partnership with the Children’s Institute (CI) has emerged, which has been providing legal aid in IP for several social projects for almost three decades. This year when we completed 35 years of a solid partnership, consolidated in the prestige and reputation of our firm, we decided to give more prominence to our concern for the social and enable healthy competition, with votes from DBPA professionals, where a social project would receive a cash prize.
The CI researched dozens of projects and selected 16 to present to me, my partner, Paulo Parente, and the executive director, Alexandre Prado. We chose eight projects that presented a greater focus on entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology, which is our DNA. After this phase, the final choice was decided by the engagement of Di Blasi, Parente & Associados’ employee team. They voted for the project with which they most identified, from the values defended by the office: innovative solutions, co-creation, highly sustainable performance, and bossa, which represents the lightness and creativity of Carioca.
The winning project was from the Instituto Incluir: transform, democratize and humanize. The NGO operates with social projects to promote the inclusion and social participation of people with disabilities through education, sport, and culture. Through partnerships with the public and private sectors, national and international, they develop projects with the objective of expanding the access of people with disabilities to social spaces. The project “Accessible Literature” received 25.37% of the votes and seeks to bring accessibility to people with disabilities through multi-format books, conversation rounds, and storytelling for children from public schools.
This initiative was carried out through a democratic and important process involving all members of the firm. This shows the sensitization of an intellectual property that thinks of social responsibility and reinforces solidarity, empathy, and commitment to others in our DNA. The partnership with the Children’s Institute has existed since our beginning and it is thanks to it that we could perform this celebration so special.
For 35 years we have built the legacy of the firm living and practicing our values, and one of them is co-creation. There were many partnerships from this willingness to contribute and, in addition to providing services to customers with non-profit activities and legal aid in the area of intellectual property, we also involve our team in social responsibility projects, encouraging donations to various institutions and volunteer work. Some of the current partnerships are:

Instituto da Criança: Civil Society Organization of Public Interest that sponsors projects in institutions in Rio and São Paulo, as well as educational and community development projects;

GRAACC – Fighting and Overcoming Children’s Cancer, created in 1991, it is a non-profit institution to ensure that children with cancer are entitled to all chances of cure with quality of life;

Para Todos: Understanding that the first step for effective change is knowledge, the NGO’s focus is to sensitize the largest number of people about the universe of disability and bring the subject to the daily life of all;

Bees of Love: the group that performs volunteer work aimed at citizenship, solidarity, and dissemination of positive actions in the world.

One by One: Non-profit organization that aims to provide social inclusion for low-income children with special needs by donating tailored wheelchairs.

Guerreiros da Amazônia: Social project that promotes environmental education for children in a playful way, with comics.
Looking back, I renew my optimism in the certainty that we are on the right track to foster and contribute to development in the next 35 years. In a world of greenwashing and fake news, we practice what we preach, we walk the talk.
Protecting innovation and innovating in protection was a bold and long-term view. If when we started, in 1987, the technology investment conjuncture in Brazil was foolish and challenging, the scenario has improved. Recent data from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) reveal that Brazil has risen three positions in the Global Innovation Index (GII): from position 57 (2021) to 54 (2022). Even in the face of local difficulties, Brazil occupies the 9th place among the 36 upper-middle-income economies and 2nd place among the 18 Latin and Caribbean America countries, behind only Chile.
35 years ago, Gabriel and I saw what almost no one saw. Headed up and with our values, surpassing all obstacles and challenges, we turned 35 together and brought with us people and professionals who believed in our dream!
I thank everyone who collaborated and contributed, directly and indirectly, to celebrate these 35 years! Thanks to customers, partners, and employees who trust our vision and who see the same as us: a more prosperous, developed, sustainable, socially balanced country that believes in innovation as the solution to the challenges of society.
Yours sincerely,
Paulo Parente