The Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) recently announced that it has initiated an oversight process against the company Tools for Humanity (TFH) to investigate the processing of biometric data within the context of the World ID project. This project aims to create a global digital identity for each individual (“unique human verification system”) by collecting iris, facial, and eye data from data subjects using an advanced camera (Orb) produced by TFH itself.
The ANPD’s oversight process seeks to obtain clarifications regarding the processing of personal data, including the purpose and context in which these activities occur. Additionally, it will verify the measures effectively implemented to ensure data security and compliance with applicable legislation.
Biometric personal data, such as palm prints, fingerprints, retina or iris scans, facial structure, voice, and even handwriting or walking patterns, are considered sensitive personal data. Due to the high risks associated with processing this type of data, the law requires robust governance and a stricter protection regime, further restricting the circumstances under which such data can be processed.
The ANPD also highlights some risks associated with the processing of personal data and precautions that individuals should take before sharing their biometric data. To learn more, access Coleta de Dados Biométricos pela empresa Tools for Humanity — Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados