
Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) to grant Certificate of Geographical publication to producers of marble.

By Afonso Camargo on Friday, August 31, 2012.

On 28th of August, the BPTO granted the Certificate of  Geographical Indication  to producers of marble manufactured in the region of Cachoeiro do Itapemirim,  city located in the State of Espirito Santo, during the Cachoeira Stone Fair 2012, one of the leading trade fairs in this section in Brazil. The granting was carried out by Jules Grevy, the representative of the BPTO, by   Emic Malacarne Costa, the President of the Technology Center of Marble and Granite – Cetemag, and by José Eugenio Vieira, the President of SEBRAE, an organization that  promotes entrepreneurship in Brazil.

The certificate is a tool that helps to identify the quality of the product originating from a specific region, bringing a number of benefits to producers, to the region and to the economy, generating international recognition, image protection and also aggregating value to the producing area.


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