
Brazil about to launch online platform effecting biodiversity law

In November 2015, the Brazilian Biodiversity Law no. 13,123/2015 entered into force, stipulating the terms and conditions to access the Brazilian Genetic Heritage and Associated Traditional Knowledge. Amongst its important provisions, it maintained the Board of Management of Genetic Heritage (CGen) to oversee the application of this law, which had already been created in prior legislation.

The president of Brazil issued a decree to regulate the Brazilian Biodiversity Law, demanding that CGen creates and operates a system to enable companies to access Brazilian biodiversity. This online system, referred to as the Management System of Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge (SisGen), has remained under development since the request.

CGen recently announced that SisGen will be launched on November 6, 2017. As of this date, companies will be able to register to access the Brazilian Biodiversity and report benefits sharing agreements, an important requirement of the Biodiversity Law. Also, the one-year deadline for companies and universities to adequate their previous requests and accesses to the Brazilian biodiversity will start counting down, as determined by the Biodiversity Law.

For additional information on the Biodiversity Law previously reported by our firm, please click here.

For more information on these developments on Biodiversity in Brazil and other IP-related subjects, do not hesitate to contact us.

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