Why start-ups need to prioritise protecting their intellectual property
While it may not be the first thing that grabs your attention when starting up a new company or business, every start-up should consider intellectual property (IP) protection at an early stage.
Saiba mais em: https://www.siliconrepublic.com/
Overview of European Trade Mark Law Reforms
Following the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law’s “Study on the Overall Functioning of the European Trade Mark System” and the adoption of its recommendation by the European Commission (see our Commentary from August 2013), the European Parliament approved a package of reforms to European trade mark law in December 2015.
Saiba mais em: http://www.jonesday.com/Overvie
Getting heady with biotechnology and Intellectual Property Rights
Pointing to the ‘very rich natural biodiversity of the state of Nagaland’ – a state located in one of the world’s hot biodiversity zones – she told the students that biotechnology can play a vital role in the economic development of the state.
Saiba mais em: http://www.easternmirrornagaland.com
The New European Union Trademark Regulation
The EU Trademark Regulation (2015/2424/EU) amending the Community Trademark Regulation entered into force on 23 March 2016 (the “new Regulation”). The new Regulation is part of the EU trademark reform legislative package that also includes the replacement of the existing EU Trademarks Directive (2015/2436/EU). Some of the main changes brought about by the new rules are briefly outlined below.
Saiba mais em: http://www.lexology.com/libr